Tuesday, 7 June 2011


****guest blog squatting here!!!! recipesonapostcard.com seems to have b0rked, so I have taken the liberty of posting my elective traveller type blog here for a bit while its home is fixed! so don't worry, the new activity does NOT mean I am having a lumpy relapse...touch wood ;) ****


7th of June, 2011


Sooooooo. Tomorrow at the ungodly hour of 4.10 am I depart Broadmarsh Bus Station on a Kiwi adventure! I'm starting to wish it were more the "eat 10 kiwi fruits in under a minute" kind than the "travel halfway across the world on elective" kind. Oh well too late to back out now. I have finally managed to pack, and miraculously my bag weighs less than 20kg - 18.2kg to be precise! BOOM.

My itinerary so far goes thus (maybe David should code me a pretty map....)

Notts --> London Heathrow --> Sydney (2 days visiting Jonathan and Courtney)--> Wellington (4 weeks haematology, that's the medicine part) --> South Island and Queenstown (1 week attempting to learn to ski whilst preserving anterior cruciate ligaments) --> Auckland (4 weeks cardiology) --> Singapore (5 days eating - er I mean sightseeing) --> LHR and Devon times! YAY!

I would pretend to be excited but mainly I am trying not to poo myself. I have many fears: of flying (though once take-off is over I'm OK); being LONELY; being homesick; being coerced into a skydive and then turning into a pancake; etc etc etc. tbh the main one is LONELY, I am not good at lonely. Hence the aggressive capitalisation of LONELY.



IT WILL BE FINE. I will be fine. I'll make chocolate brownies to buy friends. It worked in first year....I'm looking at you Georgina.....

Note to flatmates - water the peaplant every day! thank you.

Going to obsessively double-check packing. BEEG KEESSES. xxxxx

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