Hello! I'm Roz. I live in Newcastle-upon-Tyne with my husband David, and am currently training to be a GP. Most of the time I try to avoid medicine by baking, gardening and walking the dog - a corgi named Rhubarb. I started this blog back in 2009 when I managed to get Hodgkin's lymphoma halfway through medical school, so all the old posts are about being bald and the various side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I'm happy to say I'm now in remission and have been for nearly 6 years. Touch wood! *touches wood superstitiously*
I was also born profoundly deaf, but was brought up talking by my amazing parents. I went to mainstream school and then medical school with support of a note-taker (as well as my own determination and wonderful family support.) I had considered a cochlear implant briefly when I was younger, but there was never the right time to do it. Then the lymphoma came along - bah - and I shelved any thoughts of CIs. Then I qualified as a doctor and started GP training. By this time I was married and thinking about kids - but freaking out about not actually being able to hear what said kids were saying. This (rather irrational) worry triggered my cochlear implant referral and now the ball is rolling! EEEEK!
I went travelling in New Zealand as part of my medical elective too so all the 2011 posts are mainly travel and homesickness, and a lot of chronicling my coffee/sushi obsession.
Oh and I've also had coeliac disease since I was 17 - hence the many gluten-free recipes.
Thank you for reading - and feel free to send me any questions re. any of the above.