Also took the rabbit out for a stroll - here he is in action:
Haven't really been on top form in the last two are my side effects so far:
1) STILL NO APPETITE especially in the mornings. I cannot stress enough how frankly disturbing this is. I am a girl who likes her food dammit!! Have been making myself eat nutritious things like smoothies and chicken soup. Appetite's slowly coming back now though; I ate a few squares - not the whole thing!! - of the caramel bar pictured below (a present from Chris and Judith :) thanks!)
2) Low-level nausea, helped by metaclopromide. Annoyed because I get this every time I think about the chicken and mango chutney salad I had on chemo day (ugh...see, am gagging a little now) and it really was an amazing salad. DAMMIT!
3) Stomach cramps and general strange feeling in digestive tract.
4) (I'm sure you really don't want to know this so I'm very sorry, but this is a warts-and-all kind of blog): constipation. Grrr. Tried a prune smoothie but alas could not bring myself to drink the thing. May feed it to father for dinner.
5) General tiredness - didn't get up till 1pm on Saturday oops....though to be honest this could well be due to general laziness and not being chivvied out of bed for once in my life. Also feel slight mental fog, probs because of tiredness??
6) Running craply - went for a run with the local running club this morning and instead of bouncing ahead and running at a fast pace I felt like I was running through treacle and just being REALLY slow - so frustrating. Perhaps this was down to not having breakfast. Will try another run later in the week and let you know.
7) Blasted hiccups - from Ondansetron and also from stomach's general odd behaviour.
That's all so far but I'm sure more will make an appearance at some point. I'm hoping the worst is over for the moment and will be until chemo 2 in 2 weeks. The family are trying to tempt me with yummy food e.g. roast duck and roast potatoes tonight - think it's working...
More lovely messages coming in - thanks so much guys :) can't promise I'll reply to everyone but I shall try! Oh and any suggestions for blog posts are v. welcome - e.g. if you want more info on anything I've covered so far, let me know! Planning a post on "the Hodgegoblin" soonish, but have no medical textbooks with me at the moment. More Wikipedia-ing I guess....
I request more photos of the rabbit please? And can i just say that I LOVE that picture of you and the dairy milk!! :) Humoungous hugs! Looking forward to reading more. Its oddly becoming regular entertainment for me reading this which is awful really but seriously roz- you need to get this published! I definately think its in the running for a best seller! Love Kim xxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteAnd i do hope that the side effects disappear soon and that the prune smoothie works! :) My grandma used to swear by dates? Worth a try eh?
ReplyDeleteLove you roz, big hugs, always here if you need a chat and always thinking of you. Kim (again) xxxx
humour in adversity rosalind! you are brilliant. Me and kimmy want to submit you to student BMJ! have posted pressie but fear I missed the last post. Speak to you soon darling. Ps, from personal experience, ask your mum to get you syrup of figs at a health store, as someone with an exceptionally rubbish digestive tract, it does work, though don't overdose, oh dear lord the carnage!
ReplyDeleteLove you, Kate
ROZ! Embrace the wonders of that Christmas Pudding flavoured smoothie!! xx
ReplyDeleteSaw your comments on Facebook and read your blog. I went through the same treatment (ABVD) and started with infusion through surface veins in my arms. That lead to phlebitis and scarred veins relatively quickly - ABVD is really an aggressive concoction. I really suggest to get a port, best a power port which will help with infusion of contrast dyes during PETs as well. I found that nausea for me was more a psychological issue than a physical problem, as corny as it sounds: think positive thoughts and keep your mind occupied, the chemistry will do its thing. Good luck and fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteI want that chocolate bar. You're tempting me with that photo, you know...
ReplyDeleteWhat blog would be complete without a pearl from Granny Lizie? I found this and thought of you,
ReplyDelete"Through humour you can soften some of the worst blows life delivers. And once you find laughter , no matter how oainful your situation might be, you can survive it" Bill Cosby
love you
oops oainful is meant to say painful ;)