It's now 3 weeks since my 6th and hopefully final chemo, and I now feel pretty much back to normal. The week in France was an excellent opportunity to get away from everything for a bit and have some R&R. I'm eating normally now - to be honest, chemo never affects my appetite for long - and taking advantage of all the yummy summer fruit around. Mother and I have just been blackcurrant-picking in the orchard and there was blackcurrant compote for tea. Am also trying to get back into some decent running (now that I no longer have the niggling little voice at the back of my head going "bleomycin! bleomycin! your lungs are fibrosin'!!"). This means interval training and hills, which I hate but they do get results. My weight surprisingly hasn't changed after chemo but I have decided I need to skinny down a bit ... and stop eating so much ... and stop going on about food all the time. Ahem.
It's true that this really has turned into more of a food blog than a cancer blog, but surely that's better than "Ohhhhhhhh my god I feel terrible oooohhhhhhh i feel sick arrrrrrrrgh the painnnn the PAIN and the lumps everywhere I'm BALD BALD BALD ahhh I hate my life this is so unfair why do i have cancer whinge whinge whinge". Which isn't to say I haven't occasionally felt like that but I tend to squash it all down/scream into a pillow and go and cook something instead. POSITIVE THINKING AT ALL TIMES! :-D
Talking of BALD BALD BALD: I still have a bit of hair but it's started falling out from the last chemo now. For me the hair loss tends to start about 2 weeks after a chemo treatment and goes on over the next week/10 days or so. I will shave it all off at some point, I reckon - just so I can say I have once been bald and shiny and proud. Wig-wise: the NHS pays for a wig for cancer patients, and I tried on a LOT of wigs:
before I picked this one...
Think have actually done it- am technological whizz!! Has only taken me over quarter of a year and am called g.e.weatherdon but still... That wig trip was so much fun although dont think they appreciated my obsession with blonde wigs. Can i join you for multicoloured wig wearing and general looking hot thing?!!
ReplyDeleteLots of love
George xx
You dont look like Peggy Mitchell!! U look beautiful xxxx love from Vidya