I do not normally post on here the day after chemo due to being too busy feeling bleh, watching Disney films and popping anti-nausea pills - BUT have just been moved to do so by THIS:
This is a beautiful, beautiful, utterly stunning (well I don't need to tell you - you can obviously see it for yourself) quilt made by my extremely talented Aunty Joyce. She claims she is just a beginner and it's not perfect but to me it most definitely is! Thank you SO much Aunty Joyce you've made my day! a more traditional paper thank you letter will be on its way shortly but felt that the internet needed to see evidence of your talent :D Am putting it to good use already:
Chemo #6 yesterday was OK - in at 10.30 and out by 5.30ish. Plenty of banter provided by Mavis, Beth, Christine, Ruth and Ed (though the prize has to go to the last two for being so spectacularly rude about the size of my bottom: "If you fell over you'd just bounce right back up because of your bum" - Ed. Though to be fair I was equally rude about his love handles so I deserve it).
I came back home on the train by myself last night. I was slightly apprehensive about this but it was much better than having father nobly drive up to get me and arriving home at midnight. I made it home without vomiting on anyone or getting feverish, thank goodness. Had some chicken soup and some of Isobel's cherry cake, then bath and bed. Been popping the usual pills, though now I take them together the morning after chemo. Ondasetron takes about an hour to start working and metoclopramide is faster, so I want that double-whammy.
Today I am rather tired and my chemo arm kills. You can see the inflamed vein tracks all along my forearm - ouch. Been applying hydrocortisone liberally. Not sure if it's working but what the hey.
I would write more but I want to go and watch another Disney film in my lovely new quilt, so au revoir for now! (Though Isobel wants to drag me outside to play on the swings...dagnabbit! Someone really should explain the principles of chemo to her....)
Ahh that cherry cake... more tonight!
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