Saturday, 30 May 2009

thank god i got cancer in the summer

because being bald in the winter would be COLD I tell you! Not that I am bald yet, but I'm getting pretty close - mother shaved my head with a number 5 on Thursday. It does look better for being shorter though I am rather anxious about butch lesbian comments. Not that I have anything against butch lesbians, you understand, but it's not a style I myself would choose to follow. (Am normally quite a girly girl with ridiculous percentage of wardrobe consisting of flowery prints.)

Have been very incommunicado since chemo #5, for which I apologise. I wasn't ill afterwards in the traditional vomiting sense, but rather just tired, mood-swingy and grumpy. Oh so grumpy.... I was even snappy to mother and got shaved as punishment. (She said it was just to give my head a "tidy-up" but I think she was punishing me. After all, I did deserve it.) I have also been terrible at replying to texts, but my brain felt so slow that I felt all thumbs and became so frustrated that I switched my phone off til today. I put this down to general tiredness. Same reason I never seem to get round to blogging until a good few days after chemo.

Have been sleeping rather late as well. On Wednesday, the day after chemo, I woke up at 10ish, popped my Ondansetron and metoclopramide and went downstairs for breakfast. Had breakfast and a coffee then went back upstairs intending to brush teeth, but found self crawling back into bed "for a wee lie-down" and then proceeding to sleep for another 2 hours! This is the sort of thing Janet does, not me.... (when she is "sawwwwwwwwwww tired ah can hardly keep my EYES open".) Have been falling asleep over my book at about 11pm and getting up at 11am or thereabouts, though slightly earlier each morning as my energy returns. Think will try a run tomorrow morning.

Appetite not as drastically diminished this time (I managed to make pork meatballs for the family on Wednesday night - and eat a few) though still not normal. Is best in the mornings, so Isobel and I have been eating raspberry pancakes in the garden for breakfast. We are total lushes! Constipation....oh well you know the drill by now - bunged up for a few days and then glorious glorious release today! Ahem, sorry - but if you have never been constipated you cannot hope to know this excitement.

The fantastico weather is another reason I am glad I got cancer in the summer - is just so nice to be able to take advantage of lazing around in the garden on days like this, marvelling at the total BLUENESS of the sky. And eating cherries and frozen Frubes. Isobel and I have spent a lot of mother's money on hammocks and swing chairs (which will no doubt spend the rest of the rainy British summer in the shed, but you can't stop the English when they're excited about sunshine like this). Good weather just makes everything look better.

Annoying news on the PET scan - it has been pushed back to the 29th of June (instead of the 15th) GRRRRRRRRRR. This is because my chemo was delayed - remember way back when I was too neutropenic for chemo#2? So I am scheduled to finish on 8th June instead of the 4th, which apparently will be too soon for a PET scan to be unaffected by chemo still in my system. No idea why but it supposedly gives a less clear picture...? Mother and I fail to understand why this could not have been worked out when we had the original delay, but the NHS works in mysterious ways... Anyway I shall be bopping around Manchester being mildly radioactive on the 29th instead. And HOPEFULLY PLEASE GOD/OMNIPOTENT DEITY/COSMIC STARDUST I will be in remission and then get randomised in the trial to no further treatment and have a summer of being lump-free and doing fun things like sunbathing.

Shocking lack of visual material in this post, but I promise you my new camera (a Canon Ixus 95 IS...with TEN megapixels!!!) has now been dispatched and will be with us shortly. Now I have to go and hurt Isobel for being so so annoying. More later.

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